NU Degree 1st Year Result 2020

The National University Bangladesh Degree 1st Year Result 2020 will be published this month. NU Degree First Year Result for the Session of 2019 is likely to be released in the third week of July 2019.
The 1st year degree examination of the National University has already been completed. According to the published routine, the exam started on December 18 last year. The exam ends on 14 January 2020. Although the exam was supposed to end on January 5, 2020, it was postponed due to the revision of the schedule by the National University. Degree first year BA, BSS, BBS, and BSc regular, irregular, and improvement results are stuck due to the current corona situation.
After all the activities of the National University have been closed for a long time, the administrative activities of the University have started on a limited scale. So it is expected that the results will be released soon.
Degree 1st Year Result Publish Date:
The National University Degree 1st Year Result Publication Date has not been finalized yet. However, the results are likely to be published on July 18, 2020. If the results publication date is finalized, the university authorities will publish it through a press release.
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How to Know the Degree 1st Year Result?
The National University NU Degree First Year Result 2019 academic year can be known online and via SMS. The results of regular, irregular, and improvement examinations will be known in the same way. The National University Results are published earlier via SMS than the website. The result can be known by sending a message from mobile from 1 pm. But the results can be known through the website from 6 pm.
Result by SMS:
Degree 1st Year Result 2020 can be known by sending a message from any mobile phone operator. Only after the result is published, the result can be known by sending a message. To send a message, go to the message option of your mobile and write NU <> DEG <> Registration Number and send it to 16222. Example: NU DEG 123456789 and Send it to 16222. Here write your Registration Number instate of 123456789. Messages can be sent from any mobile phone Operator. Your result will be informed in the return message. Only GPA and short results will be reported via SMS. Detailed results can be found online.
Results by websites:
Detailed results of the National University NU Degree 1st Year Result can be known only from the website. Degree 1st Year Marksheets and detailed results can be found through the National University website and You may search for your results from the below option.
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Re-scrutiny Application:
The Degree 1st Year Board Challenge Notice will be published a few days after the results are released. The application will start after the notice is published. The application period is usually up to 1 month. You have to apply within the stipulated time. After applying online, you have to deposit money through Sonali Bank. Separate charges will be applicable for each subject or letter. However, all subjects or letters can be applied at once.
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Re-scrutiny Result:
Re-scrutiny results will be released after the application deadline. The National University Degree 1st Year Board Challenge results can be found in the “Re-scrutiny Result” option of the results website