No HSC Pretest will be taken this year. Due to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, HSC and equivalent examinations were not held on time. Students who took the exam last year were given auto passes, but this time the decision has not been made yet.
In this situation, the pretest will not be taken to participate in this year’s HSC examination 2021. Therefore, the colleges can also collect any fee from the candidates in this regard, said the Dhaka Education Board officials.
Meanwhile, students will be able to fill up the forms for this year’s HSC exam online from June 29 to July 11 without any delay fee. Students have to send their fees to the board online by July 12.
In the notice for the HSC examination form filling up, the Dhaka Board says that no selection examination will be held on the occasion of the HSC examination in 2021. The colleges will not be able to collect any fee in this regard.
This information has been given in a circular signed by SM Amirul Islam, Controller of Examinations, Dhaka Education Board on June 20.
It is known that the HSC examination was not held last year due to Corona. HSC results are given on the average of JSC and SSC examination results. And the students admitted in class XI of 2019 could not do any class in class XII. Therefore, a short syllabus has been published for them.
According to the plan of the Ministry of Education, if the situation is normal, the HSC examination will be taken after 84 days of classes. In this situation, filling up online forms of HSC candidates without a selection test is starting.
It is known that the candidates who want to participate in the HSC examination in 2021 will be able to fill up the online form from June 29 to July 11 without any fines. The online fee can be deposit till July 12 without any delay fee. Prior to this, subject to the registration period on June 28, for the enrollment of irregular candidates, one has to apply on a white paper along with the principal of the concerned college.
Candidates wishing to participate as GPA Improvement and one or two subject candidates will have to apply on a white paper along with the principal of the concerned college. Students who get less than GPA-5 through assessment in 2020 will have the opportunity to develop GPA and will have to take exams in all subjects. However, students who pass the 2019 partial subject will not get this opportunity. The list of students will be published on the Dhaka Board’s website on June 28.
HSC examination fee from candidates is Tk.100 per paper, the practical fee is Tk.25 per paper, academic transcript fee is Tk.50 per examinee, original certificate is Tk.100, Boy Scout and Girl Guide fee is Tk.15 and National Education Week fee is Tk.5 will be taken per examinee. Besides, in the case of irregular students, an irregular fee of Tk. 100 per examinee has been fixed. The fee for a private examination has been fixed at Tk. 100. Candidates will have to pay Tk. 400 per center fee and Tk. 25 per paper for practical examination fee.
The Dhaka Board has fixed the total fee for filling up the HSC form. The board said the fee has been fixed at Tk 2,500 for science and Tk 1,940 for humanities and business studies. However, if any of the candidates in the humanities and business studies group has a practical examination in the 4th subject, an additional Tk. 140 will be added to this fee. And if any student of humanities and business studies group is practical in the elective subject, Tk. 140 will be added per subject.
The board says no fee can be levied in addition to the prescribed fee. If any complaint is found in this regard, necessary legal action will be taken including closing the panel for filling the form.