HSC Result Pre Registration Start

HSC Result Pre Registration has been started. HSC Result 2020 will be published through pre-registration. All the students who will complete the pre-registration will be informed about the result on their mobile phones.

In the current Corona situation, this initiative has been taken so that the students can know the results by staying at home.

Earlier, the SSC and equivalent results 2020 were informed by SMS to the student’s mobile. The Inter-Education Board has taken initiative to publish the results of the upcoming HSC and equivalent in the same way.

Therefore, the boards have started the pre-registration process to get the HSC Exam Result 2020. Students can register through any Mobile Phone Operator, but the result will be provided under the supervision of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited. Those who will register will be able to know their result by staying at home on the results publication day.

HSC Result Pre Registration System

Students of all education boards can pre-register. To get the result at home, you have to register by Mobile Phone. First go to Your Mobile Phone Message Option and write- HSC <space> first three letter of your education board name <space> Roll Number <space> 2020 and send it to 16222.

The HSC and equivalent examinations of 2020 were canceled due to the Corona pandemic. As a result, the HSC and Equivalent Result will be published as Auto Pass. It will be published without examination on average of JSC and SSC Equivalent Exam Results. This is the first HSC auto pass result in Bangladesh.

The JSC-JDC result will be considered as 25 and SSC and Equivalent will be considered 75 percent to Prepare HSC Auto Pass Result. The results will be officially announced after the ordinance is issued.

Although the date of publication of HSC results has not been announced yet, it is likely to be published on 15 January 2021.