32 thousand Primary Assistant Teacher Circular this week

The Primary Assistant Teacher circular is coming this week. The government has already decided to recruit more than 32,000 teachers. Thirty two thousand 500 assistant teacher recruitment circular has been prepared. The notice may be published this week.

According to the Directorate of Primary Education, the recruitment process has started for 25,630 pre-primary teachers and 6,947 vacant assistant teachers. The recruitment notice will be published against these posts.

To start the teacher recruitment process, Primary Job Circular has been prepared by the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) and sent to the Ministry for approval.

As per the latest decision of the government, it has been agreed on October 5 to cancel all the quotas and maintain the internal quota of the concerned ministry. On the same day, the concerned ministry directed the DPE to start the recruitment process.

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According to the decision, all previous quotas have been canceled. The quotas are: Freedom Fighter Quota, Minority Ethnic Group, Ansar-VDP, Disabled and District Quotas. Now the quota has been canceled as it was decided to give 13th grade at the time of joining the assistant teachers.

However, the fixed quota of 60 percent women, 20 percent men and 20 percent depended quota remains in force. In each of these, the quota for recruitment of science teachers will be followed at 20 percent.

Atiq bin Sattar, assistant director of the recruitment branch of the primary education department, said 32,577 new teachers would be recruited. Among them, under PEDP, a notification will be issued to recruit 25,630 pre-primary and 6,947 vacant posts of assistant teachers in various government primary schools in the revenue sector.

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Applications will be accepted with the help of BUET and Teletalk Bangladesh Limited. In addition, question papers will be sent to the center, exam paper evaluation and results will be published under the supervision of BUET. The Department of Primary Education on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding with Teletalk Bangladesh Limited for this purpose.

The MoU was signed with Khalid Ahmed, Director (Policy and Operations), Teletalk, in the presence of Sohail Ahmed, Director General (Additional Responsibilities), Department of Primary Education.