DAE Admit Card 2020 Exam Date

The Department of Agricultural Extension DAE Admit Card 2020 will be published in November. As soon as the Corona situation improves in Bangladesh, recruitment tests for various posts will be taken. The exam date will be announced after preparation for the exam.

Candidates will be informed about the admit card, examination date, etc. of the Department of Agricultural Extension through SMS. The message will be sent to the mobile number provided by the candidate during the online application.

Earlier, on August 6, 2019, the Department of Agricultural Extension recruitment circular was published. The total number of posts for 14 categories was 1357. Notable posts included 13 storekeeper posts, 7 statistical assistant posts, 506 office assistant-cum-computer typist posts, 23 cashier posts, 32 driver posts, 220 sprayer mechanic posts, 70 office assistant posts and 206 farm labor posts. There were 206 posts of security guards/office guards, 222 posts of cooks, and 26 posts of cleaners.

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The online application starts on August 6, 2019, and the application deadline is on September 6, 2019. A record number of applicants applied for it.

Almost 1 year has already passed but the authorities could not take the recruitment test. After a long time, the authorities have started preparing for the recruitment test. Admit Card will be published as soon as the preparation is over and the candidates will be informed through SMS. Notice regarding the test will also be published on the website dae.gov.bd.

How to download DAE Admit Card?

Candidates will be informed via SMS when the admit card is published. Candidates will be able to download the admit card after receiving the SMS. The user ID and password will be provided to the candidate through SMS. It can be downloaded by logging in with this user ID and password. The Admit Card can also be downloaded with the user ID and password obtained after applying.

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If someone loses their user ID and password, they can recover it. It can be recovered from the Admit Card download website. Candidates can download their admission form from the dae.teletalk.com.bd website. The Admit Card will contain the date of examination, Center name, address, and other information. A detailed seating arrangement based on posts will also be revealed before the exam.

Department of Agricultural Extension DAE Admit Card 2020