Family Planning DGFP Admit Card 2020 Exam Date

The Department of Family Planning Job Circular was published on October 28, 2020. According to the published circular, the online application starts from November 9, 2020. The application was supposed to end on November 30, 2020. But due to the current situation in Bangladesh, the application deadline was extended to April 20.

The total number of the post was 1562 for the Pharmacist, Medical Technologist, Steno Typist-cum-computer operator, Office Assistant-cum-computer Typist, Office Sohayok, MLSS/ Security Guard, Cleaner, and others.

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Application Form

Interested candidates can apply through the website [ Apply Online] form. The application must be completed by filling in the required information in the application form. Candidates need to upload recent photos and signatures while applying. After applying, the application fee has to be paid as per the instructions of the applicant’s copy. Detailed instructions for payment of the application fee will be mentioned in the applicant copy. Failure to pay the application fee will result in the cancellation of the application.

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Application Fee payment instruction:
After successfully applying online, you have to pay an application fee of Tk 112 through Teletalk. The application fee has to be paid through two SMS.

1st SMS: Write DGFP <> User ID and send it to 16222.

You will be given a PIN number in the return message. Write the second message using this PIN number.

2nd SMS: Write DGFP <> YES <> PIN Number and send it to 16222.

If the message is sent successfully, your application will be completed and you will be confirmed with a return message.

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Family Planning Job Circular 2020

Family Planning DGFP Admit Card 2020 Exam Date 1Family Planning DGFP Admit Card 2020 Exam Date 2

Family Planning Admit Card

Candidates will be notified via SMS if the Admit Card for the post of Family Welfare Inspector of the Department of Family Planning is published. The candidate will be informed about the DGFP Admit Card and Exam Date through a message to the mobile number provided by the candidate at the application time.

Earlier, the application deadline for the FWV post was extended to April 20. This period is extended due to coronavirus. The application deadline has already expired and now it is time to publish the Admit Card. Admit Card issue information will also be announced through the website. Candidates will be able to download the Admit Card form by logging in with their user ID and password.

The date, center, and other information of the examination will be mentioned in the admit card.

How to download DGFP Admit Card?

Family Planning Admit Card can be downloaded from the recruitment website Admit Card for the post of Family Welfare Visitor FWV can be downloaded from here. Candidates will be able to download the admit card by logging in with their user ID and password. The admit card will mention the exam date, center name, and address.

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User ID and password will be provided via SMS. The confirmation message that was received after applying also contains the user ID and password. Even then, if someone’s user ID and password are lost, it can be recovered from the Admit Card Download website.

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