RAJUK Uttara Model College HSC Admission Circular 2020 has been published. Class XI admission application can be made through the central admission process of the Ministry of Education. You have to apply online. You have to pay the application fee before applying.
Rajuk Uttara Model College is located in Uttara, Dhaka. There are science, business education, and humanities groups. There are both Bengali and English versions for Science and Business Studies Group. The Humanities Group has only a Bangla version. Teaching is done in the co-education method. There are both day and morning shifts. Anyone can apply for both the day and morning shift.
The number of seats:
- Science Group Day Shift (English version) – 171 seats
- Science Group Morning Shift (English version) – 171 seats
- Science Group Day Shift (Bangla version) – 403 seats.
- Science Group Morning Shift (Bangla version) – 320 seats.
- Humanities group Day shift (Bangla version) – 70 seats
- Humanities group Morning Shift (Bangla version) – 70 seats
Business Studies Group Morning Shift (English version) – 54 seats.
Business Studies Group Day Shift (Bangla Version) – 160 seats
Business Studies Group Morning Shift (Bangla Version) – 260 seats.
You may follow:
Application Eligibilities:
To apply for admission in class XI of RAJUK Uttara Model College, the following qualifications are required.
- Bangla version in Science Group: Minimum GPA 5:00
- English version in science group: Minimum GPA 5.00
- English version of Science Group (own): Minimum GPA 4.22
- Bangla version of Science Group (own): Minimum GPA: 4.50
- Humanities group: Minimum GPA 3.75
- Humanities Group (own): Minimum GPA of 3.72
- Business Studies Group Bangla Version: Minimum GPA of 4.00
- Business Studies Group English Version: Minimum GPA of 4.00
- Business Studies Group Bangla & English Version (Own): Minimum GPA 3.72
Application Process:
Applicants can apply either online or by SMS. The first choice for online application is to select RAJUK Uttara College (EIIN No. 108573). Detailed information can be obtained from the college website rajukcollege.edu.bd and the College notice board.