Jahangirnagar University Admission Circular 2020-2021

Jahangirnagar University Admission Circular has been published. The JU Admission form can be filled through the ju-admission.org website. The application fee can be paid through Dutch-Bangla Bank Mobile Banking Rocket or bKash.

The final date and schedule of the Jahangir Nagar University Admission Test will be announced through daily newspapers. Details will also be published on the website with unit wise seat plan

The applicant has to apply separately for each unit. Admit Card can be downloaded after the successful application instantly. You need to upload a photo and signature to download the Admit Card for each unit.

The admission test result will be published at the end of the admission test of each unit. Final admission will start after the admission result of all the units is published.

Application Eligibility

To apply in different units of Jahangirnagar University, the candidate should have the prescribed qualifications. Candidates must pass HSC or equivalent examination in 2019 or 2020. Candidates have to pass SSC or equivalent examination in 2017 or 2018.

Each unit must also have different qualifications to apply. GPA will be calculated with the 4th subject.

Candidates who have passed the “O” Level and “A” Level examinations are also eligible to apply if they meet the required qualifications.

A Unit: The A-unit has the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. To apply to this faculty, the candidate should have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in SSC and HSC level examinations separately. There should also be a separate GPA for Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Computer Science and Engineering, and Environmental Science.

B Unit: Unit B has the Faculty of Social Sciences. To apply to this faculty, the candidate must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 individually in SSC and HSC Level. There should also be separate qualifications for Economics, Geography, and Environment, Government and Politics, Anthropology, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration.

C Unit: C-Unit has the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. It is a unit other than the Department of Drama and Drama Theory and the Department of Fine Arts. To apply here, the candidate must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 separately.

There should also be a separate GPA and subject-based prescribed grades for Bengali, English, History, Philosophy, Archeology, International Relations, and Journalism and Media Studies.

C1 Unit: The C1-Unit has the Department of Drama and Drama Theory and the Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. To apply to this faculty, the candidate has to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 separately.

There should also be a separate GPA and subject-based grades for the Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts department.

D Unit: The D-Unit has the Faculty of Biology. Individuals must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 to apply to this faculty.

Separate GPA and subject-based grades are required for the Departments of Botany, Zoology, Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Genetic Engineering, Public Health, and Informatics.

E-unit: The E-unit has the Faculty of Business Studies. Individuals must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 to apply for this unit.

These faculties must have separate GPA and subject-based grades for the departments of Finance and Banking, Marketing, Accounting and Information Systems, Management Studies.

F Unit: The F-unit has a faculty of law. You must have a minimum individual GPA of 3.50 to apply to this faculty. This faculty must have a total GPA of 8.00 to apply in law and justice. Candidates must also have a “B” grade in Bengali and English.

G Unit: The G-Unit is the Institute of Business Administration. It is also known as IBA-JU. To apply to this faculty, you must have a minimum GPA of 4.00 individually in SSC and HSC level.

To apply to the BBA program of this faculty, a minimum total GPA of 8.50 is required for science students and a minimum total GPA of 8.00 is required for humanities and business studies students. Subject-based grades are also mentioned in the admission notice.

H Unit: H-Unit has Institute of Information Technology. To apply here, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 individually. To apply to the Information Technology department of this faculty, the total minimum GPA should be 8.00. Applicants must also have an “A” grade in Physics and Mathematics.

I unit: I-Unit has Bangabandhu Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture. Individual minimum eligibility for application in this unit is GPA 3.00. In addition, the minimum GPA should be 7.50 for students in the science and business studies group and 7.00 for students in the humanities. Students must have B grade in Bengali and English.